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Well. As I said in the header I think I’m suffering from premature post-ulation.. I wanted to start a little blog alongside starting to crochet, I now have a blog but have not yet crocheted. Or even got any wool yet!

So as I have no crochet news I just might ramble for a bit, sorry!

I’m 27 and unfortunately have never been very arts and craftsy but I decided recently I needed a new hobby. Baking is brilliant, but living alone means I tend to eat whatever I bake and my current health kick means that’s very naughty. I love the shabby chic/vintage style and all the tv shows make it look relatively easy so I’ve been tempted to try something for a while now but have (stingily) been put off by the idea that I would buy loads of equipment then discover I was completely talentless.
Then, on Saturday I discovered the wonders of freecycling!! I put a post online and a lovely lady offered me some hooks and wool 🙂 I don’t collect til the weekend but I am very excited and have dreamily been browsing some very ambitious patterns! I must admit though, just making a plain colour square will make me insanely happy. My poor nan despairingly tried to teach me to knit dolls clothes when I was younger and my squares always ended up squiggly 😦

After looking at one very cute owl pattern I had a sudden panic. “I don’t know how to crochet, how can I learn?!” “I don’t know anyone else who crochets, who can I discuss ideas and patterns with?!” and mostly “Who will help me when it all turns in to one big knot and I don’t know what to do?!” The answer to all three (I hope) is…the Internet!! Or the lovely people on here 🙂 hence why I decided to do this!

If anyone knows a nice easy tutorial, a website with good patterns or even somewhere to buy bargain wool I would appreciate some advice. Once I get going I will also share anything good that I find, as well as boring everyone with anything I make!

Ah see I knew I’d ramble. I always do when there is no proper point to what I’m writing! I’d better stop, is there a word limit to these things…